La Contínua
“Revisiting a spectacle of fa 19 anys m’forces me to rethink what was so old. With our commitments to the scene, reappropriating the piece 'La Contínua' leads me to ask myself what happens when the weather passes: what happens to me, what happens to who I believe and what to do it happens to our intimitats. At this point, the autonomies need company. The transformation of a solo into a collective piece has led to a dialogue around intimacy.” Mariantònia Oliver
Initially, 'La Contínua' was going to be a solo created by Mariantònia Oliver and co-produced by the Teatre Principal in Palma and the Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona in 2002. Any time later, the Teatre Principal proposed to the cia to review it i reinterpret l'espectacle. The weather has passed, the vines and the things are no longer the mateixos and Cia Mariantònia Oliver compta amb Catalina Carrasco and Jaume Manresa to reflect and build a collective piece. A spectacle that beu of the maturity of the intèrprets. Miquel Àngel Raió s'endinsa in the "discards" of the recordings that were part of the investigation of 2002 and brings them to the avui. A quest passat-present dialogue, review, explore the adherences acquired during the years, share small revolutionary acts to stir the attention, to accept that the proper pass or decision is always a choice that can surprise, turn, improvise or change the established path . The joc de les expectatives is the guarantee of surprise.
Duration 60 minutes
Direction: Mariantònia Oliver
Creation, interpretation: Catalina Carrasco, Mariantònia Oliver, Jaume Manresa
Artistic advice: Maria Muñoz
Lighting: Maria Güell
Lighting technician: Daniel Noceda
Sound: Jaime Manresa
Images: Miquel Àngel Raió
Stage space: Mariantònia Oliver
Executive producer: Melania Forte
Communication: Nancy Veltri
Scenographic construction: Damià Sastre
Photography: Tristán Pérez-Martín / Oto Marabel
Teaser: Guillem Alzina